Are Your Guitar Chords Buzzing? Use This One Simple Technique

chords tricks and hacks Oct 09, 2023



Learning to play the guitar is a fulfilling and exciting journey. However, many beginners struggle with muted or buzzing notes, hand fatigue, and discomfort while playing chords. These issues can be attributed to improper technique or a lack of understanding of the guitar's mechanics. In this blog post, we will explore the second part of a comprehensive guide on how to keep your chords out of the "poop zone" (a term I use to describe the uncomfortable and ineffective hand positioning while playing chords). We will discuss the importance of maintaining the right amount of space between the guitar neck and the palm of your hand, finger placement, and the role of the thumb in achieving clean and clear chord sounds.

Part One Recap: Taking Time to Evaluate Your Chords

Before delving into the specifics of maintaining the correct hand position, let's quickly recap the importance of evaluating your chord-playing technique. It’s important to take your time to assess every aspect of chord formation, such as finger placement, finger pressure, and positioning. Proper evaluation and adjustment at this stage lays the foundation for mastering clean and effortless chords.

The Necessary Space: Guitar Neck and Palm

The first crucial element in achieving clean chords is understanding the necessary space between the guitar neck and the palm of your hand. While experienced players might hold the guitar neck tightly and have little to no space between the neck and palm, beginners are advised to adopt a different approach.

Beginners should drop their thumb down behind the back of the neck, creating a gap between the palm and the neck. This space is vital as it allows the fingers to extend further forward, improving chord clarity and reducing the muting of notes. While it might seem challenging at first, this technique will become more comfortable with practice and significantly enhance chord playing.

Finger Placement and Importance of Space

Accurate finger placement is a key component in achieving clean and resonant chords. By having your thumb lower at the bottom of the guitar neck, your fingers can position themselves on the fretboard more precisely. Placing your fingers right on top of the frets allows for better control over the strings and ensures that no notes are inadvertently muted.

Some beginners might experience discomfort in their fingertips during this adjustment. I compare this to the soreness experienced after a workout or the feeling of fullness after a large meal.  This temporary discomfort is an inherent part of building finger strength and flexibility.

Thumb Positioning: A Game-Changer

The thumb's position plays a significant role in chord-playing effectiveness. As beginners, keeping the thumb down is essential for creating the necessary space and achieving clean chords. However, as one's technique improves, the thumb can gradually move up the neck, allowing for more advanced chord formations. It is essential not to rush this process; instead, focus on building a strong foundation before advancing to more complex thumb placements.


Mastering guitar chords is a gradual process that demands patience, dedication, and attention to technique. By understanding the importance of space between the guitar neck and the palm of your hand, correct finger placement, and proper thumb positioning, you can significantly improve your chord-playing skills.

Remember that discomfort and challenges are part of the learning journey, and with consistent practice, you will develop the necessary finger strength and dexterity to play chords effortlessly. So, drop that thumb, find the sweet spot, and get ready to level up your guitar-playing game! With this newfound knowledge, you'll be well on your way to keeping your chords out of the dreaded "poop zone" and unleashing the full potential of your guitar skills. Happy strumming!


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