5 Super-Easy Tricks to Add FLASH to Your Guitar Playing

tricks and hacks Jul 16, 2024


Greetings, fellow guitar enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you five super easy tricks that can instantly add some electrifying flash to your playing. Whether you're a rock aficionado or a heavy metal maestro, these techniques are designed to bring out that signature flair that makes your playing stand out. In this blog post, I'll break down each trick, providing insights and tips to help you incorporate them seamlessly into your repertoire. So, let's dive into the world of pick scrapes, pick wiggles, two-hand tapping, pseudo harmonics, and pick hand muting.

1. Pick Scrapes:

To kick things off, let's explore the art of pick scrapes. This technique, popularized by legends like Eddie Van Halen, adds a distinctive skidding brake sound to your playing. The key here is to use the side of your pick and place it directly on the windings of the string. Aim for strings six, five, and four for optimal results. Experiment with your pickup settings to achieve different tones. The pick scrape is a simple yet effective trick that you've likely heard in iconic songs like "Crazy Train.”  Its the very first thing that you hear right before the iconic guitar riff is played. It's a fantastic way to start incorporating some flash into your playing.

2. Pick Wiggles:

Less commonly used but equally intriguing is the pick wiggle. This technique involves hitting the higher strings, particularly strings one, two, and three, with the side of your pick. The motion is akin to a wiggle, creating a unique and dynamic sound. Tony MacAlpine's "The Witch and the Taker" is a great example of a song that starts with this distinctive pick wiggle. Again, like Crazy Train, its the very first thing that you hear right before the iconic guitar riff is played.  Experiment with your picking hand to find the sweet spot on the strings and add this rare but captivating trick to your arsenal.

3. Two-Hand Tapping:

Next up is the iconic two-hand tapping technique, famously brought to the forefront by Eddie Van Halen. While Eddie may be the poster child for this technique, it's essential to note that others were using it before him. The concept involves using your picking hand to tap on the fretboard, creating a hammered note without picking. You can experiment with different sequences, going up, down, or even back and forth. If using your finger feels challenging, don't hesitate to try it with a pick. Additionally, sliding the pick while tapping adds a unique dynamic to this flashy trick.

4. Pseudo Harmonics:

Pseudo harmonics, also known as squeals or false harmonics, add a touch of the mystical to your playing. While the technique might seem mysterious at first, it's surprisingly accessible once you get the hang of it. The key is to allow the string to graze your thumb when picking, creating a harmonic sound. Start by practicing on the lower strings, like the sixth and fifth, and experiment with different fret positions. Adding bends and vibrato to pseudo harmonics enhances the effect, and players like Zakk Wylde have mastered this technique for maximum impact.

5. Pick Hand muting:

Last but not least, let's explore the pick hand muting technique. It's a valuable trick for creating a percussive and rhythmic feel in rock and metal. By allowing your picking hand to mute the strings near the bridge, you can control the sustain and add a dynamic element to your playing. Experiment with the placement of your hand to find the sweet spot that produces the desired muted tone. Combining pick hand mutes with melodic notes creates a balanced and textured sound.


Congratulations! You've now been introduced to five super easy tricks that can elevate your guitar playing to a new level of flash and excitement. Whether you're drawn to the pick scrapes of rock classics, the pick wiggles of rare gems, the tapping prowess of Eddie Van Halen, the mystical pseudo harmonics, or the rhythmic pick hand mutes, these techniques offer a diverse range of options to enrich your musical palette.

As you embark on your journey to master these tricks, remember that practice is the key. Take the time to isolate each technique, experiment with different settings, and gradually incorporate them into your playing style. The beauty of these tricks lies not only in their individual brilliance but in the creative ways you can combine them to craft a unique sonic signature.


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