2 Scales Every Guitar Player Should Know

pentatonic scale scales Oct 23, 2023


Today, I want to dive into two essential scales that every musician, especially guitar players, should have in their toolkit: the pentatonic scale and the major scale. These two scales are not just random choices; they are fundamental building blocks of music theory, and mastering them can open up a world of musical possibilities. In this blog post, I'll explain why these scales are crucial and how you can use them to enhance your musical journey.

The Major Scale:

Let's start with the major scale, which you've probably heard before as "do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do" or as scale degrees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8(1). This scale is the foundation of music theory and serves as a reference point for understanding chords, melodies, and harmony.

Scale Pattern: G Major

If you're a guitarist, you can easily play the G major scale in the second position on the fretboard:

- Low E string: frets 3-5

- A string: frets 2-3-5

- D string: frets 2-4-5

Remember that you can play this scale in various octaves and positions on the neck, making it incredibly versatile.

Why the Major Scale Matters:

Understanding the major scale is vital because it forms the basis for chord theory and most music theory concepts. For instance, when you encounter chords like the famous E7#9 chord (often associated with Jimi Hendrix), knowing the major scale helps you identify the notes that make it a sharp ninth chord. In this case, the sharp ninth note is the A note, which is ninth of the G major scale(or the 2nd of the scale following the octave). So, having a solid grasp of the major scale is essential for analyzing and creating music.

Exploring Modes:

The major scale is not limited to a single pattern. Starting the scale on different scale degrees leads to various modes. For instance, starting on the first degree creates the Ionian mode, commonly known as the major scale. Learning these modes adds depth to your musical understanding and playing. Each mode has its unique sound and application.

The Pentatonic Scale:

Now, let's shift our focus to what I consider the most powerful scale in the world—the pentatonic scale. Its versatility is unmatched, making it a must-know scale for any musician.

Scale Pattern: A Minor Pentatonic

If you're playing in the key of A minor, here's the A minor pentatonic scale pattern:

- Low E string: frets 5-8

- A string: frets 5-7

- D string: frets 5-7

- G string: frets 5-7

- B string: frets 5-8

- High E string: frets 5-8

This scale pattern can be moved up and down the neck to play in different keys. You can also switch between major and minor pentatonic by moving the scale up and down the fretboard.  This must be explained in detail to truly understand this concept.

The Power of the Pentatonic Scale:

The pentatonic scale is incredibly versatile because it can be used in various musical contexts. Whether you're playing rock, blues, jazz, or any other genre, the pentatonic scale is your go-to choice. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it a valuable asset in your musical arsenal.

Switching between Major and Minor:

As I mentioned earlier, you can easily switch between major and minor pentatonic scales by adjusting your starting finger. For example, if you were playing A minor pentatonic, moving your hand so that your pinkie lands on the A note(slide your hand down from the 5th position to the 2nd position) would give you A major pentatonic. This demonstrates the concept of relative major and minor keys, where major and minor keys share the same set of notes but have different tonal centers and chord progressions.


In summary, the major and pentatonic scales are two musical gems that every musician, especially guitarists, should master. The major scale provides the foundation for understanding chords and music theory, while the pentatonic scale's versatility makes it indispensable for playing across different genres. By learning and applying these scales, you'll have the tools to unlock a world of musical possibilities.

If you're interested in diving deeper into these concepts and expanding your musical knowledge, feel free to explore my courses and resources. And remember, music is a journey, so enjoy the process of learning and creating beautiful sounds!

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